Welcome to Secaucus Public School District's Secure Online Payments Portal
This is the location for parents or guardians to register their children for Devices, and pay insurance, deductibles, fines and fees using credit or debit cards. Payment history reports are also accessible.
Parents/Guardians of Secaucus Public School District Students:
Your account uses the same email address you provided to the district
If you did not provide or forgot the email address you provided, please contact your child's school office. It may take up to 24 hours after providing or updating your email address to be able to access your account here.
To access your account for the first time: Create Password
Please Note: Once signed in, if you are not seeing all of the students in your family, you may need to contact the Main Office to ensure your Main Phone Number is the same for all students in our Student Information System. If you do not wish to adjust this, you may bring cash for payment for the other students
If you have forgotten your password, Reset Password to get a password reset sent to the email address we have on file.
A convenience fee may apply to your purchase.
Cards we accept: